Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 1 Agenda [Tentative]

Tuesday, January 14th
  • Course Blog, Syllabus, & Introductions
  • Discussion Leader Process
  • Blog Reading Responses
  • Homework
    • purchase/rent required textbook
    • print/read course syllabus; bring a copy and any questions to class on Thursday
    • print/read/bring Stegner's "Creative Writing" (under READINGS) to class on Thursday
    • post RR#1 on our course blog by midnight on Wednesday

Thursday, January 16th

  • Syllabus Questions & Discussion Leader Schedule
  • Discuss Stegner's "Creative Writing"
  • Google Drive Setup
  • Homework
    • Setup Google Drive (**CLICK HERE**)
    • print/read/bring the following to class on Tuesday:
      • Starkey, pgs. 170-209
    • post RR#2 on our course blog by midnight on Monday
    • bring a photograph of yourself to class on Tuesday

Monday, July 25, 2016

Welcome to ENG 3351!

Image result for creative writing cartoon

The purpose of this blog is to provide an online space where all of our class materials will be available. 

On the blog itself, I will post:
  • Weekly agendas
  • Reading Responses and other Homework
On the right side of our blog you will find:
  • My contact information
  • Our course syllabus
  • Google Drive instructions
  • Discussion Leader Schedule
  • Discussion Leader Forms
  • Workshop forms
  • Blog Archive
At the top of our blog, you will find:
  • the 'Readings & Supplementals' section
    • Includes select course readings, handouts, and supplemental web links

    Essentially, if you need information about this course, you need only visit this blog and it's likely you'll find your answers. So, browse around and get to know the blog well. 

    I'm looking forward to a fun and meaningful semester!