Post your reading response to readings below.
Here are the guidelines:
- Reading responses must be AT LEAST 200 words.
- Include your full name at the end of your comments. Unnamed comments will be deleted.
- From the "Comment As" drop-down menu, choose Anonymous, then click "Publish."
- Reading responses are due by midnight on the night PRIOR to our discussion of the required reading.
Tuesday, January 28th
- Share Writing Assignment
- Ana Flores: “In Bed,” “In the Dark,” and “El Toro Rojo”
- Homework
- Writing assignment:
- Find a photograph that includes you and most of your family
- Describe yourself and your entire family in photograph, what you are all doing, where you are, and what you were thinking about when photo was taken
- recreate at least two instances of dialogue between you and family members
- Include an original title
- No more than 150 words max
- bring photo & assignment to class on Thursday for class activity
- Print/read/bring the following to class on Thursday:
- “The Witching Hour,” “Late July, 4:40 a.m.,” and “Dreads” (227-232)
- Post RR#5 on our course blog by midnight on Wednesday
Thursday, January 30th
- Share Writing Assignment
- Julissa Balderas: “The Witching Hour,” “Late July, 4:40 a.m.,” and “Dreads”
- Homework
- Compose an essay that examines one significant travel experience from your past.
- In your GD shared folder, create/name a file like this: Nonfiction-YourFullName
- Provide a TITLE for your essay
- Be sure to format your paper correctly by following MLA guidelines; click HERE for a sample paper
- Use all previous readings and class notes as reference
- Your essay should be 600-800 words or no more than 3 double-spaced pages total
- Print/bring three (3) copies of your essay to class on Tuesday for Workshop #1
Post your reading response to readings below.
Here are the guidelines:
- Reading responses must be AT LEAST 200 words.
- Include your full name at the end of your comments. Unnamed comments will be deleted.
- From the "Comment As" drop-down menu, choose Anonymous, then click "Publish."
- Reading responses are due by midnight on the night PRIOR to our discussion of the required reading.
Post your reading response to readings below.
Here are the guidelines:
- Reading responses must be AT LEAST 200 words.
- Include your full name at the end of your comments. Unnamed comments will be deleted.
- From the "Comment As" drop-down menu, choose Anonymous, then click "Publish."
- Reading responses are due by midnight on the night PRIOR to our discussion of the required reading.
Tuesday, January 21st
- Dr. Moreira: Starkey, 170-209
- Homework
- Writing assignment:
- Describe yourself in photograph, what you are doing, where you are, and what your were thinking about when photo was taken
- Include an original title
- No more than 50 words max
- bring photo & assignment to class on Thursday for class activity
- Print/read/bring the following to class on Thursday:
- “The Mute Sense,” “My Papa’s Waltz,” and “Westbury Court” (214-220)
- Post RR#3 on our course blog by midnight on Wednesday
- For Thursday, bring photograph that includes you and one (1) family member
Thursday, January 23rd
- Share Writing Assignments
- Dr. Moreira: “The Mute Sense,” “My Papa’s Waltz,” and “Westbury Court” (214-220)
- Homework
- Writing assignment:
- Describe yourself and family member in photograph, what you both are doing, where you are, and what you were thinking about when photo was taken
- if possible, recreate at least one instance of dialogue between you and family member
- Include an original title
- No more than 100 words max
- bring photo & assignment to class on Tuesday for class activity
- Print/read/bring the following to class on Tuesday:
- “In Bed,” “In the Dark,” and “El Toro Rojo” (220-226)
- Post RR#4 on our course blog by midnight on Monday
- For Tuesday, bring photograph that includes you and most of your family
Post your reading response to readings below.
Here are the guidelines:
- Reading responses must be AT LEAST 200 words.
- Include your full name at the end of your comments. Unnamed comments will be deleted.
- From the "Comment As" drop-down menu, choose Anonymous, then click "Publish."
- Reading responses are due by midnight on the night PRIOR to our discussion of the required reading.
Post your reading response to readings below.
Here are the guidelines:
- Reading responses must be AT LEAST 200 words.
- Include your full name at the end of your comments. Unnamed comments will be deleted.
- From the "Comment As" drop-down menu, choose Anonymous, then click "Publish."
- Reading responses are due by midnight on the night PRIOR to our discussion of the required reading.