Thursday, March 5, 2020

RR#12: Starkey, pgs. 233-284

Post your reading response to readings below. 

Here are the guidelines:
  1. Reading responses must be AT LEAST 200 words.
  2. Include your full name at the end of your comments. Unnamed comments will be deleted.
  3. From the "Comment As" drop-down menu, choose Anonymous, then click "Publish."
  4. Reading responses are due by midnight on the night PRIOR to our discussion of the required reading.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Week 8 Agenda [Tentative]

Tuesday, March 3rd
  • Workshop #3: Short Fiction
  • Homework
    • return to Google Drive and revise your story draft
    • print/bring three (3) copies of your REVISED story draft to class on Thursday for Workshop #4

Thursday, March 5th

  • Workshop #4: Short Fiction
  • Homework
    • Return to Google Drive and revise your story draft
      • REVISED short story due for instructor feedback by 10pm on Friday, 3/6
    • Print/read/bring the following to class on Tuesday, 3/17:
      • Starkey, pgs. 233-284
    • Post RR#12 on our course blog by midnight on Monday, 3/16